Registration: September 21 – September 30, 2021
To be held: until November 30th 2021
Fees: US$ 148.00/person + US$ 97.00/episode (values may fluctuate due to exchange rate effects)
Proponents must present themselves in co-creation pairs composed of at least 1 (one) person with a disability.
Another objective of this Project is to foster the co-creation and dissemination of oral narratives and ethnographic reports linked to disability, which can deal with experiences lived around the rights of inclusion, research approaches, policy and justice involving family, care, philanthropic institutions and networks of activists from Brazil. In this line of action, 30 co-creators will act, including social workers, caregivers, health professionals, educators, activists, thinkers and researchers of disability, artists, among other agents - defiças and non-defiças - who will be invited to create scripts and record their episodes in the Portraits of Brazil with Disabilities podcast.